October 7, 2009


This past weekend I hopped on a bus and headed down to our great nation's capitol to show AIDS what I really thought about it and it's incredibly idiotic mission.

My dear friend Elizabeth Lyle, a real gem, picked me up from the bus stop on Friday evening and we joined Chip and Scottie for some delicious dinner and an inordinate amount of insatiably delish chitter chatter. I had just posted my last blog so of course they wanted to know about that, and my mom, and Paul, and and and.... you get the point. We then ran over to Georgetown (metaphorically, clearly) to see the Hullabahoos. We missed their performance but went to their mixer. BAHAHA. Liz's little brother, who is not so little might I add, Guy is a Hullabahoo. We met some of their new guys and at some point in the evening the following occurred:

Guy: Charlie (aka: Charles-Robert) this is Liz, and Leigh-Taylor. They were Belles.
Charlie: What? Were?
Joe: They graduated in 2007.
Charlie: 2007?
[Leigh-Taylor and Liz giggle, and wince synonymously]
Guy: Yes.
Charlie: Wow. I'm talking to the old girls.


The next morning was an early one ... but anything to kick AIDS in the face. With the support of some Starbucks we were ready to walk. Shawn Decker, whom I've mentioned on a previous post, is on Team Supersnack with me and this year he received the Courage Award at the walk. He also dressed up in a most iconic way. We walked with Kristi Glakas, Kate Marie, Steve (Paul's brother. Paul slept through the entire event ... in NYC), Pisty, and Caressa Cameron.

That's Team Supersnack. That's "Shawn the Courageous" in the lemon suit. If you can't read it, it says "Life Gave me AIDS." the back says "So, I made LemonAIDS".
Love it.

The walking crew, with Steve behind the camera.

I'm so happy I have unapathetic friends. People who care about those that have been marginalized by such a stupid, stupid disease. Wanna help me kick AIDS in the face again this May? I'm definitely walking it here in NY and I'd love if you wanted too as well.

Umm, PS, I forgot to mention .... We raised, err, over $36,000. BOOOOO-YA, AIDS.

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